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Community Business on Your Own Terms w/ Daniel Vassallo (Small Bets)
What a fascinating episode with Daniel Vassallo, creator of From leaving Amazon to become self-employed, to experimenting and iterating on business mod...

Evolving Developer Education w/ Joel Hooks ( &
Had a fascinating conversation today with Joel Hooks who runs and We talked about about the evolving landscape of online education in the devel...

Optimizing For Sanity w/ Chris Oliver (GoRails)
Chris Oliver, the creator behind GoRails, Jumpstart, HatchBox and his new product, SellRepo, joins me to talk bootstrapping his Ruby on Rails training business and rel...

Programmatic SEO Projects With Josh Pigford
I caught up with Josh Pigford today, founder of Maybe, ToolStash, and many other projects. We covered a lot of ground across many of his different projects, but spent...

Bringing Great Design to WordPress with Mike McAllister
Mike McAllister is a designer of brands, websites, products, and WordPress goodness... Here in part 2 of our conversation, we dive into Mike's current work on OllieWP,...