Scaling a Fitness Coaching Business with Adam Gilbert

Scaling a Fitness Coaching Business with Adam Gilbert


Brian: you're aBout to hear my conversation with Adam Gilbert, the founder of MyBodyTutor on how he scaled a personal training business. Let's get into it.

So I'm about to roll this conversation that I had with Adam Gilbert. We spoke on November 3rd, 2023. he's the founder of MyBodyTutor and we had a great conversation about how he's been able to scale a personal training business. Let's get into it.

Hey, Adam Gilbert. Yeah. Great to connect with you. Thanks for, thanks for coming on the show.

Adam: Likewise man. Thanks for having me.

Brian: Yeah. So you are the founder of My Body Tutor. I think it's a fantastic business. I've, I've tried it. I, and I know several friends who are really happy with it. I just love the whole business model. I love the, the, the, the growth and everything that I've seen on, on social media and everything.

And I don't know a whole lot about you. I think I [00:01:00] might've heard you on a podcast or two over, over the years, but. Yeah, I, you know, that's the whole purpose of this show is, is invite folks who are doing interesting things and I, I think this is super interesting. So, so yeah. Where, where are you based, by the way?

Adam: I am in New York and Connecticut.

Brian: Oh, I'm in Connecticut.

Adam: Oh, nice.

Brian: Yeah, I'm in I'm in Orange, Connecticut right now.

Adam: Okay. I'm in I'm in Fairfield.

Brian: Oh, nice. Yeah. Very cool. We, yeah, we used to live in Norwalk for a couple years and then we moved up here and, fun times, especially this time of year.

Adam: Very cool.

What is My Body Tutor?

Brian: All right, so, so My Body Tutor, my understanding of it, and from what I can see is it's, I think it's a really great kind of like productized service where it's where you have a team of coaches who are assigned to clients and they, and they work directly with folks on their health and fitness.

Goals over time. I mean, how do you describe it? What's, what's your, what's your like pitch if, if you

Adam: Yeah, I would say what we do for our clients is we devise a diet and [00:02:00] exercise plan for you that's catered and customized to you, that's based on the realities of your life. And then most importantly, we help you stick with it through daily support, daily coaching, and daily accountability.

Brian: Okay.

Adam: And, you know, the fact that we're in communication with our clients every single day, guiding them, supporting them, coaching them, and holding them accountable is the key.

You know, my thesis from day one has always been, you know, and we're on year 16 now. I started this in 2007. Has always been that, you know, for the most part, a lack of knowledge isn't the real issue. It's a lack of consistent action, and everything we do is designed to help our clients follow through.

Stay consistent.

The evolution of Adam's business

Brian: I didn't realize you were at this for that long. So like, what, what, what did the business look like through that period? Has it always been called My Body Tutor? Like what, what different forms has it taken?

Adam: Yeah, so it was always called My Body Tutor. You know, when I first started in 2007, it was just me. I was doing everything. For, you know, a few years. Then I started hiring a, then I started hiring coaches. Was fairly [00:03:00] quickly I realized that, you know, I was running outta time in the day. But I was also I'm definitely recovering perfectionist in that like I wanted people to have a certain experience and I actually held back our growth for a long time.

Because of that. I wanted to make sure we had everything in place to ensure that people have the experience I want them to have.

Brian: Yeah, I want to get into that, but in the early day, like 2007, you said

Adam: yep,

Brian: was the same model where a coach is like, like calling and text messaging with clients all remotely like worldwide, nationwide.

Adam: yep. It, we were never in person. It was always virtual. And it was always, you know, we feel like the hard part is doing the work day in and day out, right. And I truly feel the solution for that. Or at least one of them is accountability on a daily basis. So it was always our clients were sharing what they ate and what they did for exercise.

If it was an exercise day each and every day, and then every single day I was at that time writing back to them you know, [00:04:00] guiding them, supporting them, coaching them.

Brian: I mean, a lot of folks don't, don't really remember what, what the internet was like in 2007, . I mean, it wasn't like the earliest days we're, we're not talking about the nineties here, but but it was like, I mean, I, I'm super impressed that you were doing this style of business back then. It, you know, these sort of things like seem commonplace now, but like, what was the landscape like when you started this virtual. Online service, kind of online coaching thing for for health. Were there other services like it at the time?

Adam: Thank you. I, I appreciate you recognizing that. So, no, there was no other services like, like this . , you know, the landscape back then was courses were really big, so people were selling knowledge, right? It was like, you know, we'll teach, we'll teach you how to do all sorts of things. You buy the course. And I think after a while, as you've seen, I think people realize that, you know, a lot of people buy these courses, but they don't do anything with the courses.

And I always felt, [00:05:00] again, since day one that it wasn't necessarily the knowledge that was the issue, it was the consistent action. It was implementing it. So back then it was a lot of courses and, you know, there was not many people online doing what I was doing. And yeah, it was, it was interesting to say the

Adam's background in health and fitness

Brian: Yeah. What were you doing like before that? Where, what's your background? Even before starting that?

Adam: Yeah, so outta college I was actually working at Ernst and Young. So I was in accounting. Did that for two years, from 2005 to 2007. But before that, you know, health and fitness has always been a massive passion of mine. Just, you know, I've been really into it since I'm like, probably in fourth, fifth grade.

What really spurred though was when I was in seventh grade my father had a heart attack. So seeing him, my parents were divorced. He actually called my sister. She was learning how to drive. Then we actually drove from our house to his place. Drove him to the hospital. A few days later he had triple bypass surgery.

And kind of seeing him, you know, before that [00:06:00] surgery, after the surgery with all these monitors and tubes and everything hooked up to him, was really scary. I always hated hospitals. And then later on that year, actually, he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. so seeing him deteriorate mentally and physically throughout the years until he passed away.

Was really hard. So for me early on, like I knew that health is everything. Without your health, nothing means anything. so That really spurred my passion.

Brian: Yeah. I mean, I,

Adam: and you know, I knew that when you have your health, you know, it's like the old if you, if when you have your health, you have unlimited wishes.

When you don't have your health, you know, you only have one hou one wish. Right? And that's for better health.

Brian: You know, man I'm sorry to hear that about your father and, but I can totally see how, how motivating and, and focusing that that could be. Um. As, as you grow up and, and grow into this business. I mean, I, you know, what, what comes to mind for me personally is like, 'cause just recently I feel like some things in my health journey have started to click in terms of [00:07:00] more about like my motivation and discipline around, especially around food, but also exercise. But what I think is interesting and what I like as a, as a, as a customer in the market, in like my early forties now, and I feel like the, the age thing really made it start, start to click for me, you know? 'cause in my twenties and thirties, my twenties, I don't know what I was doing. But in my thirties, like I started to get like fairly healthy, but not seeing a lot of improvement.

Just a lot of plateauing around, like just a little bit overweight and like, kind of, and then, and then late thirties, I'm feeling like aches and pains and waking up in pain. now I'm, I'm just much more in tune with like, if I, if I'm not feeling great now, what am I gonna feel like in 10, 20, 30 years from now?

And that, and that's just such a much more motivating factor for me at this, at this stage, you know?

Adam: For sure. I turned 40 this year as well and for me it was like, you know, this [00:08:00] is it. Like you don't get do-overs and you know, there's a lot of people you know who love to talk about how they want to kick butt when they're . You know, in their fifties and sixties and seventies and play with their grandchildren.

But it's like, if you're not kicking butt now, if you don't feel awesome now, what makes you think you're gonna feel awesome? You know, in 10, 20, 30 years from now?

Taking the leap and getting those first customers

Brian: yeah, for sure. All right. So what, so, so you start this thing. I mean, how did you, how did you even start it? What, how did you get, like the first customers? What did it look like in the, in like the first year I.

Adam: Yeah. So I mean, just a little, you know, backstory. I mean, just when I was at Ernst and Young, I was always the go-to guy for fitness, right? And even before that, I was a personal trainer. And, you know, it, it, again, it's just been my passion. But when I was at ERNs and Young, you know, people would always ask me for, you know, diet advice and plans, et cetera, and, and I would always give them a plan, right?

It was always . You know, a plan they loved, they felt good about it, but it always led to the same outcome. And the outcome was, you know, they didn't follow through, they couldn't stick with it. And you know, I'd see 'em a week or two later, depending on client obligations. And it was always the same story.

It's always, I got caught up with work [00:09:00] life, kids, happy hour, whatever it was. They were never able to follow through. And that's where the light bulb went on. It's like, wait, these people had a plan. They felt good about the plan. They were excited about it, they were hopeful about it, but they didn't follow through.

anD these people are all over the place. They don't have time to see me in person. So it's like, what if there's a way for me to communicate with them every single day so I could see what they're doing every day? And that's where the idea of daily accountability came into play. I. So, you know, I quit my job in January of 2007.

My mom thought I was absolutely insane. I was two years outta college. I was working at Ernst Young, which was, you know, it's a big four accounting firm. It's, you know, I guess if you're in accounting, it's one of the best jobs you can get. But even within the first week, I was like miserable. I had a stomach ache, you know, walking to work every day.

So I was living in New York City and like, I was like, this is not for me. I just don't want to do it. So we quit the job. And I was in my apartment, started this in February, 2007. And back in the early days, you know, it was me on the website and it was, you know, I had my, actually I don't, you know, I'm sure you [00:10:00] remember, you know, aim instant messenger.

So I actually had my aim screen name on the website and I was like, Hey, if you have questions, let me know. And I remember like for the first, you know, probably 10 or 15 customers, . I was just IMing with him and I was like, listen, like I'm really passionate about this. All I ask is that you give us a chance.

If you don't like it, I'll give you your money back. And I just wanted to, you know, do everything I could to establish trust, right? 'cause the internet, you know, could be a scary place.

Brian: I mean all the, all the 20 and 30 year olds listening to this would be like, I am, what, what are we talking about here? Oh, you, you. Mean dms like

Adam: Yeah, exactly,

Brian: remember IMing. Yeah.

Adam: exactly. I can hear the noise in my head, like, do, do. Um, so, you know, I just did everything I could to establish trust and a connection and thankfully, you know, these people gave me a chance and then, you know, it was just me for a while. And then slowly what shortly they introduced, you know?

So I actually started back then it was [00:11:00] I started to, I focused on college students and I was helping them get ready for spring break. I. Just 'cause I know that's a big motivator for a lot of people. But very quickly I realized, and, and they were like introducing me to their brothers and sisters who are older in corporate America or their parents.

buT that's how it started. It was, you know, we, we were focused on helping people stay consistent in order to get ready for spring

Brian: So many like Interesting parallels that, that sort of resonate. I mean, first of all, , aside from the fact that you and I happened to live like within miles of each other here in, in the Northeast I also left my job in New York City in I think like January of 2008. And I always, I, I always look back on that like, 'cause you know, the, the big crash, the economic crash happened later in 2008

Adam: Yeah.

Brian: I always look back on that, like, man, if I did not leave, then when, when I was like, just a couple years outta college and I was, you know, young and didn't, I was single. I didn't have a mortgage, didn't have kids at the time and all that. Like, I was like, now's the [00:12:00] time. Right? But I look back on that, if I had held onto that job through 2008, like I don't know if I would ever have, have gone out on my own at that point, you know?

After it's, it's pretty incredible to look back on that.

Adam: Yeah, man. I know, I, I I, I agree. I'm I'm right with you. I mean, you know, for me it was, you know, again, I was like, I was like physically sick. Like I would truly get stomachaches going to work. And it was crazy 'cause it was like a brand new job. I just didn't like it. I knew it wasn't what I was meant to be doing.

Good businesses solve a problem

Brian: and also like, like zeroing in on the value proposition of like, look, it's about consistency. It's about staying disciplined, and that's the thing that always Frustrated me, but also like fascinated me about health in general. It's like I always knew and I, I became really interested in like, learning everything about like, what, what do you need to do to have a healthy diet and, and exercise, you know, and, and being healthy.

It's like, I, I know I can point to exactly what needs to [00:13:00] happen, then why am I still not executing on that? You know, like that always used to like Frustrate me to no end. It's like I, in my business or in like a programming problem, I know what we need to fix and I'll just make the fix and push it out.

But in my own body, it's like , there, there's this like mental, emotional blocker that like results in some inconsistency, you know? And, and like targeting the val, like the value of this business at solving that problem, I think is, is super smart. You know?

Adam: Thank you. I mean, you know, I feel like any good business solves a problem and I always try to think about, alright, well what is the problem in health and fitness? And I think the biggest problem in health and fitness is a lack of consistency, right? So for me, the problem we solve is we help people stay consistent.

And I truly believe we do it better than anyone else in the world, right? But that's the way we, I've always looked at it, is like, what's the problem? The problem is consistency. And everything we do is designed to help our clients stay consistent.

My Body Tutor today

Brian: So, okay, so like, take me [00:14:00] through this operation. Like, um, well, why don't we fast forward to today, like what does it look like today? And then maybe we can backtrack and like all the different iterations that you took, but the. Like how many different coaches? What, what does it take to run a business like this?

Adam: Yeah. So we've about 70 coaches now. You know, we have a full on executive team that kind of . You know, runs the business. And then we have our coaches who are incredibly dedicated. And you know, it's, while it's certainly bigger it's, you know, it's, I, I feel like we're just getting started. I feel like it's more the same.

It's, Hey, we're, we want to help you stay consistent. And, you know, I feel like what we do is, you know, obviously we're a lot better at what we do. It's more sophisticated. But the core component of what we do of daily accountability, helping people change their mindset, psychology and habits, we like to say MPH and coming up with customized plans for them is, is exactly what we were doing 16 years ago.

Brian: And so I, you know, I, I was using it for a [00:15:00] while and, and and I really liked the consistency and the format. So from what I remember, maybe it's a little bit different now is there was sort of like an app component where I could like log my, the, the food that I'm eating and the exercise stuff.

And then I also had sort of like texts and, and a call go, like a weekly call going with, with my coach. Is that essentially the gist of, of what the client experience is today?

Adam: Yep, exactly. Yep. So each day they're sharing what they did in our app. They're uploading a photo of what they ate. They're writing a brief description of what they ate sharing what they did for exercise was an exercise day. Then every day their coach is writing back to them. And then again, it's, you know, it's a daily interaction that makes all the difference.

Maintaining core principles in a coaching business

Brian: And so, you know, the, the whole thing sort of hinges on these amazing coaches, right? So I, I'd imagine I. A big part of the business is like finding and training and, and recruiting coaches. Is it?

Adam: Yes, that is, that is hugely important. I mean, I know we're only as clear as our coaches, so, you know, [00:16:00] we thankfully are we're very fortunate that we're getting over a dozen applicants a week of people who want to work for us. So we're very, very picky who we hire. Because I know, you know, the, the, this is a coaching, you know, we're a coaching program.

We're not a technology company. Right. We use technology to enable the coaching. So the coach, you know, has to be amazing at what they do. And you know, we, we know that

Brian: I know there are a lot of folks listening to this who, who run service businesses, whether they're agencies or productized services some SaaS folks as well, but like, what does it look like internally for, for you guys? Like how do you, how do you keep coaches of running the program efficiently and ensuring that you have like the right type of people in, in that role.

Um, how do you, how do you keep it like a consistent experience for the clients? Depend, no matter which coach that they're working with and all that.

Adam: Yeah. So I mean, I think it comes down to training. I mean, we, you know, put a lot of time and effort into our training and, you know, there's certainly [00:17:00] core principles and methodologies that we teach our coaches that we want all clients to go through and experience, but we also don't want our coaches to lose their own special sauce, right.

And their own flavor. So, you know. Again, we have our core things that we teach our coaches. We make sure they understand it, you know, A to Z and can help anyone no matter what. But again, it's like you're you. We don't want to take that away from you. Give your own special flavor and sauce. Don't lose that.

My Body Tutor milestones

Brian: I love it. Let's go back, I mean, what, what have you learned over the years? What, what changed? What were some of like the big like aha moments or like, if you think of like milestone events in terms of like, we were doing it this way and then we changed and, and it sort of clicked after that I.

Adam: Yeah, I mean I think, you know, starting from the early on, I mean when I first started, you know, we were charging, you know, $75 for six weeks and that was it, right? It was a six week program 75 bucks. I mean, and you know, I always believed that you have to [00:18:00] you know, you like, I think a lot of people just sometimes charge a lot just for the sake of charging a lot.

'cause they think it signals quality. But very quickly, if that quality is not there, then it, you know,

Brian: Yeah.

Adam: work, right? So started $75, six week program. Quickly we realized, and really it was based on just client feedback. Like, Hey, I want more of this. I don't want to stop after six weeks. So we turned it, I turned it into a monthly membership.

so We changed it from six weeks to four weeks. That was a big turning stone in terms a turning point in terms of you know, making it a monthly membership program. And then, you know, I think the biggest thing for me was I realized I was the biggest bottleneck in the business. You know, that was, that was the next thing.

It was like, 'cause again, I was so obsessed with quality and I wanted people to have a certain experience with coaching. But I also realized I was burning out. Like it's just this, it was not sustainable.

From solo coach to coaching business

Brian: I, I know that like, especially for coaches, if, if you're a, if, if you're a professional coach of, of any kind, going from you being the coach to you hiring other coaches to deliver your [00:19:00] service, that's a huge step like that going, going like from one to two. Right? So like, what, what did that look like? When did it actually hap, like when did you

hiRe the first coach, or I guess a separate point would've probably been like when you phased yourself out of coaching, right? Or do you still do it? I don't know.

Adam: I still do some coaching. And it's been a big transition. 'cause I love coaching. I love being a practitioner. I love helping people. You know, I come from a family. My mom was a teacher, my aunt was a teacher, my grandma was a teacher. You know, I consider myself a teacher at heart. I've learned to love coaching coaches though.

'cause it, it, it does become a question of like, you know, I, if I want to serve more people, which I do, if I wanna help more people, which I do, I need, I need to let go. But I've always also been . Patient in that I always wanted to hire the right people. So I didn't bring on our first coach. We tried it within year two and then like, I still was kind of like [00:20:00] hanging on.

Like I still wasn't fully trusting the coach and that was a hundred percent my fault. 'cause we didn't have the systems in place. Right. The training wasn't where it needed to be. And then a few years later we brought on who's now our head coach, . Hailey and she's incredible and she's been at it ever since.

buT it wasn't until I had that full confidence you know, and I often talk about like, you know, I think there's self-sabotage, right? And, and I think my definition of self-sabotage is when you fear the very thing you say you want. Right? Excuse me. When you fear the very thing you say you want. , right?

So back then I would've said, oh, I want to, you know, grow our business and I wanna serve more people. I wanna help a lot of people. But on some level, I think every small business owner feels like they have the weight of the world on their shoulders. They feel like they have very little free time. And I knew subconsciously, I didn't realize it at that time, that if we grew, I would have even less free time.

Right. So there was always this like, [00:21:00] push pull this, push pull, right? And this happens with weight loss a lot too, right? There's, people say, I want to lose weight, I want to get healthy. But on another level they feel like, well, if they do that, they're not gonna be able to enjoy their favorite food, or they're gonna have to exercise for hours a day.

So that inner conflict is always this like, you know, pressing on the gas and pressing in the brake. And until you you know, . correct that and, and rectify that and, and kind of go through that exercise of actually realizing what is actually true and what's not. What's a story? There's a lot of sabotage.

There's a lot of kind of, you know, going a little forward than going backwards.

Practicing routines to turn them into habits

Brian: I guess just to, just to get back to like the health side of things. Like for, for me, one of the most amazing things for me recently has been like don't know what's happened, but like I can go to a restaurant and I actually get psyched about ordering a salad. Like, I don't like just a few months ago.

It's like, I don't know how I can go to a restaurant and not, or order a burger. And it's, it's incredible. Like after at, at first it's hard and then it's like, oh, that's, it's actually pretty routine. And now, now it's [00:22:00] like my go-to and I, I, I think that's the case with so many things. It's like, it's, it's uncomfortable at first.

You do it a bunch of times. It becomes regular and then you start to really like it, know?

Adam: Totally. And you know, I often remind clients of this, you know, like, it's like what's easy now is once hard and was what's hard now will soon be easy if you stick with it. And the key is practice, right? I think the word habit gets used. Incorrectly, like a lot of people say, they fall outta the habit.

You don't fall outta the habit of brushing your teeth, right. The thing is, you have to practice it enough and practice is uncomfortable, or at least the right type of practice is uncomfortable, right? If you're just practicing, you know, let's say you're playing a sport basketball and you're just practicing layups all day, that's easy.

But if you're practicing hard moves, it's gonna feel weird. It's gonna feel uncomfortable, and you do that enough, eventually it feels easier, it becomes a routine, and then if you stick with the routine enough, then it becomes a habit. And you've clearly gotten to that point [00:23:00] where, you know, it seems like it, it's

Business growing pains

Brian: But you know, like in business and I see this again and again, I've seen it myself and I hear it from friends all the time. Is that like, as it grows, it actually gets harder, not easier. Yeah, I mean, can you speak to that a bit? Like what, what, what did it actually look like when you went from one to two, but then maybe two to five, two to 10 people?

What were some of the growing pains? What, what'd you figure out?

Adam: Yeah, it definitely does not get easier. It gets harder, it gets more challenging. It's certainly much easier to manage yourself versus other people. Um, I mean, in terms of what it looked like, I think it's just more about you know, who you become to, to manage those people, to, you know, to work with other people.

But I think it's also just. A lot of trust and faith and, and I think if you, I, I really believe if you hire, you know, it sounds so cliche, but like, if you hire great people, then you don't necessarily need to manage them, right? You need to, you know, obviously have guardrails and, and kind of things in place, [00:24:00] but like, you don't need to ma manage people, like micromanage people if you really believe in what they're doing and, and trust them.

But for me it was more just like. You know, I think any worthwhile journey in life has what I call FDR, fear, discomfort down resistance. And perhaps we all teach what we need to learn, and I'm in the business of helping people change. Yet whenever it comes time for me to change, I always feel a lot of resistance.

Right. But I think the one thing, . I can do is I can, I can name it right. And if you can name it, you can tame it. And it's like, there are times even in, in business where I'm like, I feel a lot of resistance right now. I'll call it out, I'll talk about it with my team. And that's the way it felt. Truly. It was like one person to two people is like, oh my God.

Like I just feel this like pit in my stomach. And you just get used to that and you have to trust that what you have in place will work. And it's just different levels of resistance. And you look at prior evidence to say, all right, we got to this point. I trust that we can get to that point.

Adam's routines

Brian: yeah, totally. What is your, [00:25:00] like, what does your day or week look like now? Like, how, how much time are you putting into the business? What's your routine? What, what? And also like where are the areas of the business where you are still like, pretty heavily involved? Day to day.

Adam: Yeah. So I mean, I think you know, back in the day when I, it was just me, I was, I was basically doing all coaching, right? And I always believed that if you . Coach well enough and you get people amazing results, then they will, you know, share it with their friends and family. Now I'm, I mean, this is what I do, right?

So besides my family, this is what I live for. So I'm, I work a lot but I don't really consider it work 'cause I love it. This is more than a business for me. This is a very, I'm very mission driven. This is my life's work. I'll be doing this until the day I die. Hopefully. . So, you know, if I'm not with my kids, if I'm not with friends, if I'm not exercising, I'm, I'm basically working.

And I love

Brian: what does that, what does that

Adam: so I think

Brian: actually look like? I'm, I'm the same way too. I, I feel like I, I work well above 40 hours a week, but [00:26:00] it's like I could sit around and do nothing, or I can work on my, my most favorite hobby, which is working on my business, you know,

Adam: right, right. So, you know, the way I spend my time is . I'm in my inbox a lot, so, you know, I like, we have, you know, someone helping me, but like, I, I love hearing from clients, right? So I respond to emails like I'm in my inbox, I'm doing you know, people have questions about the program. I'm the one that does those phone calls.

'cause I love talking with, you know, people about the program. I love hearing about what, where they're at and seeing if we can help. Talking with my team, so our executive team and then. You know, also our coaches, right? So when they have any concerns, issues, et cetera, about clients, if I can help them, then we'll talk about that.

So I guess it's just a combination of, you know, if I'm not an email, I'm talking with a client or a prospect, a prospective client if I'm not talking with a client, then I might be talking with the team. So it's, I, I would say it's just juggling those

My Body Tutor's new plan

Brian: What's so, you know, we're [00:27:00] recording this in no early November, 2023. What's happening right now in the business? What, what are you, what are you guys working on? Any, any like big Initiatives or projects as you get into like the turn of the year.

Adam: Yeah. So one thing we're launching which is super exciting 'cause it's the first time we've launched a new plan in 16 years actually is . You know, we have a plan where you get daily accountability. So each day you're sharing what you ate in our app, and then your coach is writing back to you. And then we have a plan where in addition to the written feedback, you're also getting daily scheduled phone calls.

And for years people have always asked like, is there something in the middle? I don't necessarily need or want daily phone calls. So we're launching a plan where there will be three phone calls a week. And we're super excited about that because, you know, we've always had two plans. It's never been more than that.

We've tried to keep it as simple as possible. But some people really want the three phone calls, so we're offering that. You know, we're really committed to you know, on average people gain eight to 12 pounds in the next few months.

Brian: I was gonna say like

Adam: we [00:28:00] really want to, we we're

Brian: time for you guys.

Adam: January's busy. So we're launching now though because we really want to help people you know, not gain that weight and, and hit the ground running in January.

Not kind of be starting eight to 12 pounds heavier than where they are.

Brian: I mean, I could see that really working too, a daily phone call. I, I'm, I can see how a lot of people find that helpful and, and valuable. For me, like, once a week is, is the most that I can commit to any sort of live call. 'cause I'm all about the, asynchronous interaction with with, with

Adam: Yes.

Catering to a wide range of customers

Brian: That's awesome. Um, I mean, I'm trying to think like what, what else is like, on the horizon? Like where, actually what I wanted to ask you about your customers. So are they, what is the mix of, of target customers like? I, I'm only, I'm friends with a, a few people in the, in the tech SaaS world who are, who are customers, um. Uh, is, is that still like a niche for you or, or are we just in this little pocket, but you, you have this larger ocean that you go after.[00:29:00]

Adam: That's definitely, you know, I mean, we have a lot of tech people as clients. Um, you know, we have, you know, the tricky part is we have clients

Brian: Mm-Hmm.

Adam: all walks of life, truly, and we have a lot of tech people. We have athletes, we have moms, we have dads, we have people in their seventies and eighties. We have people in their twenties like, you know,

It really is all over, all, all, you know, all walks of life. But I think the common denominator is the people who sign up for our program realize they need help staying consistent. Right? That's, they've come to that point where, you know, even though they think they should be able to do it, even though they feel like they know everything, what to do, they realize and know that knowing what to do and actually doing is very different and they know they need help staying consistent.

And they want that help

Brian: And that like, that like, you know, like, like job to be done, if you will, of, of the service. Is it, it, it sounds like it's, it must be like kind of a wide [00:30:00] range, right? Like, there's someone like me who just wants to sort of stay healthy as I, as I get into my forties and play with my kids and, and be general.

General and work, like, have a better mindset about work and everything. There's the young person who wants to go, go on spring break there, there's the athlete who wants to perform better. Like how, how do you think about like the, the use case for, for your customers? It must be pretty different.

Adam: Yeah. And you know, I think that's where it's like, depending on the client, you know, we have the right coach for them. But you know, ultimately what we're really good at is wherever you want to go. We can give you the roadmap to get there. But we also know the roadmap is only a small part of it. It.

Right. And the, the, the real part of it is doing that work day in and day out. Right. And that's, that's what we specialize in. You know, and it really comes down to having a plan that's catered to really changing what we call your MPH, your mindset, psychology and habits, and then holding you accountable.

But yeah, you know, depending on where the client is, where they want to go, you know, [00:31:00] that's, you know, obviously that we, we have to cater the plan to that.

Brian: Well, Adam, it's a super impressive business. I can't believe you've been running it this long. I had no idea. I thought it was only like a few years in . Yeah, in incredible, you know,

Adam: That, that's funny. I, I

Brian: My Body we'll get everything all linked up in the show notes here. But yeah, it's great to connect with you.

Thanks for, thanks for coming on. Alright.

Adam: so much for having me. I appreciate it.

Creators and Guests

Brian Casel
Brian Casel
Teaching product skills at | founder @Clarityflow | co-host of
Adam Gilbert
Adam Gilbert
Helping you enjoy a healthier life w/ daily accountability + expert coaching. Since '07, we've helped thousands get and stay fit. Join 7,500+ Happy Clients! 👇
Scaling a Fitness Coaching Business with Adam Gilbert
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