All Episodes
Displaying 31 - 60 of 74 in total
Be Back in a Bit!
Hey! Just want to let you know that I’ll be taking a break (for a bit) from recording new episodes of this Open Threads podcast.But don’t unsubscribe! I promise to com...

Pivoting and Building Awareness for a New Product (in a Competitive Space) with J.R. Farr
Lemon Squeezy, the new platform for building SaaS businesses went through quite a few iterations before J.R. Farr and the Make Lemonade crew figured out what it is and...

Newsletter-Driven Entrepreneurial Exploration with Corbett Barr
I invited Corbett back on the show when I noticed he’s been picking up steam on his Substack-based newsletter, Starting Things. Clearly, he’s in the exploration phase ...

The Hidden Value Organizing and Attending a Conference for Fellow Founders with Tyler Tringas
Founder Summit was one of the best conferences I’ve attended because it’s built on the idea that a conference is really about the relationships, not the headline speak...

Creating Noteworthy Podcasts for Big Brands (as a business) with Harry Morton
Harry Morton, founder of Lower Street, is back on the show today to take us inside the creative process behind big brand podcast productions. These aren’t your run-of-...

Forming a Dream Team Partnership with J.R. Farr
In 2020, after a hugely successful run building and exiting MOJO Marketplace, J.R. Farr announced the formation of a “dream team” new company known as Make Lemonade. W...

Hitting the Creative Reset Button (in between businesses) with Corbett Barr
After building, selling and exiting Fizzle, a community and content-based business, Corbett Barr decided to hit the reset button. How? By deleting all of his social me...

Starting & Sustaining a Fund for Calm Companies with Tyler Tringas
From bootstrapping and selling a SaaS to… Starting a fund for bootstrapped SaaS companies. Tyler Tringas talks about that transition and what he’s learned since starti...

Talking Code & Product with Benedikt Deicke
It’s strange how little we talk about the code side of building and running a software business. So Benedikt Deicke, technical co-founder of Userlist, joins me to geek...

A Music Production Geek Out Session with Harry Morton
I’m on a quest to geek out with all my founder friends who are also musicians. Harry Morton shares a love for the combo of tech + creativity in music production. We ge...

American Founder Life Abroad (and Back) with Craig Hewitt
Craig Hewitt, founder of Castos, moved to France for 5 years but he and his family have moved back here to the States. We unpack life and business abroad vs. stateside...

Shipping Speed & Deciding What to Build Next with Benedikt Deicke
In SaaS, speed matters. A lot. Benedikt Deicke, co-founder of Userlist, joins me to chat about shipping speed and how we decide what to build next. It’s too easy to ge...

Geeking out on Music Documentaries with Justin Jackson
I could talk for days about music. So can Justin Jackson, cofounder of Transistor. So we geeked out on our favorite bands, documentaries, and how these experiences act...

Starting Over with a New SaaS Idea with Nathan Powell
After exiting his 1st SaaS and shuttering all his social media profiles, Nathan Powell is back online with a new idea for a SaaS - Feature Flux. Let’s dig into it.Bria...

Quitting the Internet (for a while) with Nathan Powell
The story of why Nathan Powell quit the internet for a while after exiting his SaaS business (and why he came back to start his new company, Feature Flux).Brian and Na...

People Strategy with Tyler King
Tyler King, CEO and co-founder of Less Annoying CRM, is back on the show to talk about teams. Remote, in-house, culture, experience, and everything in between.Brian an...

Sharing Our Fails (& Wins) with Craig Hewitt
Building in public ain’t all about the highlight reel. Craig Hewitt, founder of Castos, and I agree that there’s so much more to learn from our fails. The question is,...

The business of snowboarding (in the ‘90s) with Justin Jackson
Justin Jackson, co-founder of Transistor, joins me to share the story of how he started a snowboard shop in the late 90s and what, if any, parallels can be drawn to so...

Portfolio of products vs. focus on one with Dan Rowden
Dan Rowden, founder of ilo, and I share our experiences running multiple products simultaneously vs focusing on one.Brian and Dan's conversation was recorded on Septem...

Marketing: More Questions Than Answers with Tyler King (LessAnnoyingCRM)
Tyler King, CEO and co-founder of Less Annoying CRM, joins me to commiserate on why marketing a SaaS is so damn hard in 2022.Brian and Tyler's conversation was recorde...

Let’s find Kalen Jordan’s next business idea
Kalen Jordan, founder of, joins me to talk about the next business idea.Brian and Kalen's conversation was recorded on September 12, 2022.

Twitter in 2022 with Dan Rowden
Dan Rowden, founder of, joins me to talk about Twitter in 2022Brian and Dan's conversation was recorded on September 5, 2022.

The business of community with Matt Gartland, CEO of SPI with Pat Flynn
Matt Gartland, partner and CEO of Smart Passive Income, joins me to talk about the business of community.Brian and Matt's conversation was recorded on August 29, 2022.

Transitioning Away From WordPress with Chris Lema
Chris Lema joins me to talk about transitioning away from WordPress.Brian and Chris's conversation was recorded on August 22, 2022.

Coaching as a Profession with Chris Lema
Chris Lema, seasoned CEO, experienced product strategist, and respected business coach, joins me to talk about coaching as a profession.Brian and Chris's conversation ...

News diets with Ian Landsman
Ian Landsman, founder of Helpspot, joins me to talk all about news diets.Brian and Ian's conversation was recorded on August 8, 2022.

Media Brand as a Business with Alexis Grant (TheyGotAcquired)
Alexis Grant, founder and CEO of They Got Acquired, joins me to talk all about Media Brand as a BusinessBrian and Alexis's conversation was recorded on August 1, 2022.

The role of music in our lives with Ben Orenstein
Ben Orenstein, co-founder of Tuple, joins me to talk all about the role of music in our lives.Brian and Ben's conversation was recorded on July 25, 2022.

Life in America vs. life in the UK with Laura Roeder
Laura Roeder, co-founder of Paperbell, joins me to talk all about life in America vs. life in the UK.Brian and Laura's conversation was recorded on July 18, 2022.

Where is web3 going? Ian Landsman explains
Ian Landsman, founder of Helpspot, joins me to talk all about where is web3 going.Brian and Ian's conversation was recorded on July 11, 2022.